A cookie is a filethat is downloaded to yourcomputerwhenyouaccesscertain web pages. Cookiesallow a web page, amongotherthings, to storeandretrieveinformation on a user’s or team’sbrowsinghabitsand, depending on theinformationtheycontainandthewaytheirequipment is used, they can be used to recognizetheuser.
Thiswebsite uses cookies for a number of purposes, thedetails of thecookiesused on thiswebsite is as follows:
Cookie | Name | Type | Purpose | Moreinformation |
_ga | GoogleAnalytics | fromthird parties | Thiscookiename is associatedwithGoogle Universal Analytics, which is a significant update of the most commonlyusedGoogleanalyticsservice. Thiscookie is used to distinguishuniqueusersbyassigning a randomlygeneratednumber as thecustomer’sidentifier. It is included in eachpagerequest of a siteand is used to calculatevisitor data, sessions andcampaigns for analysis reports. Bydefault, itwillexpireafter 2 years, evenifit is customizablebythewebsiteowners. | https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/ |
_gid | GoogleAnalytics | fromthird parties | Thiscookiename is associatedwithGoogle Universal Analytics. This is a newcookiethatstoresandupdates a uniquevalue for eachvisitedpage. | https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/ |
_gat | GoogleAnalytics | fromthird parties | CookieassociatedwithGoogle Universal Analytics, is used to acceleratethepercentage of requests, limitingthecollection of data in hightraffic places. Beat after 10 minutes. | https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/ |
240planD | 240planD | own | This is a technicalcookiewhoseuse is specific to our OVH Roubaix host andallows, amongotherthings, to guaranteethedistribution of theload on servers. | |
PHPSESSID | PHPSESSID | own | Cookiegeneratedbyapplicationsbased on the PHP language. This is a general-purposeidentifierused to maintainusersession variables. Normallyit is a randomlygeneratednumber, theway in whichit is used can be sitespecific, a clear example is to keepthe data of a registereduserstatebetweenpages. | http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-id.php |
aviaCookieConsent | aviaCookieConsent | own | Cookiethatstorestheacceptance or not of theuser to continuebrowsingthe web page. | |
wordpress_test_cookie | wordpress_test_cookie | own | Thiscookie is used for theWordPress content manager to checkifthebrowser has cookiesenabled | |
wordpress_logged_in_ | wordpress_logged_in_ | own | Aftertheloggin, WordPressactivatesthecookiewordpress_logged_in_, whosefunction is to indicatewhenit has beenconnectedandwhoit is, beingusedbytheWordPressinterface. | |
wp-settings-time-X, wp-settings-X | wp-settings-time-X, wp-settings-X | own | ThesecookiesareusedbyWordPress to customizetheUser Interface. |
Note: ‘Own’ typecookiesareusedonlybytheowner of thiswebsiteand ‘Third-party’ cookiesareusedbytheserviceproviderthat is detailed in theprevioustable.
How can I disable or deletethesecookies?
You can allow, block or eliminatethecookiesinstalled on yourcomputerbyconfiguringthebrowseroptions on yourcomputer:
- Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we
- Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647
- Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
- Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042Opera: https://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy
- Otherbrowsers: Checkthedocumentation of thebrowseryouhaveinstalled.
Ifyouwish to rejecttheanalyticalcookies of GoogleAnalytics in all thebrowsers, so thatyourinformation is not sent in GoogleAnalytics, you can downloadanadd-on thatperformsthisfunctionfromthislink: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/ gaoptout.